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Calls to Worship God


At Baptism

All you who are thirsty, come drink from the waters of life!
All you who are weary, come bathe, be refreshed in God’s river!
All you who long for peace, come rest in the clear, silent pools of God’s love!

At new year

People of God,
it’s a new year, it’s a new day!
The Lord stands before us,
longing to take our hand
and lead us to the land of promise.
Now is the accepted time!
Now is the time of God’s favour!
Let’s open the floodgates of our longing;
let’s welcome the Spirit of Christ the Lord
into our hearts and our experience.
Let everyone who has breath
praise the Lord!

At Christmas

Let the light fall white and shimmering on the river,
let the angel’s song enchant the earth,
and let God’s people say Glory . . . .


Let the wars and the conflicts be over and done,
let a highway be forged for the Prince of Peace
and let God’s people say Glory . . .


Let the breeze stir amongst the eucalypts,
let the Messiah of God appear in our midst
and let God’s people say Glory . . .


At Easter or Pentecost

Our God comes from the East,
breathing hope into hopeless situations.
Loving God,
breathe your Spirit into us and make us new.

Our God comes from the West,
breathing forgiveness for all who have done wrong.
Loving God,
breathe your Spirit into us and make us new.

Our God comes from the North,
breathing wholeness for all whose lives are scattered.
Loving God,
breathe your Spirit into us and make us new.

Our God comes from the South,
breathing new life for all who feel death's power.
Loving God,
breathe your Spirit into us and make us new.

Come, let us worship the God
whose every breath is resurrection, new life, new hope! Amen.

At the Passion

Look, people of God, your king is coming to you:
gentle, humble of heart, and riding on a donkey.
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

He comes a king, but he will die.
Out of love for all who suffer,
he will become God's suffering one.
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

In the garden of decision he will weep bitter tears;
his friends will betray and desert him;
the soldiers will beat and mock him;
He will be crucified.
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

But he is our salvation;
in love he embraces this whole damned world:
And so, from Kosovo to Afganistan,
from Kings Cross to Melbourne,
the cry goes out:
'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'.
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

At Lent or Advent

The time has come to open our eyes.
The time has come:
The time has come!

The time has come to listen to God.
The time has come:
The time has come!

The time has come to change our hearts.
The time has come:
The time has come!

The time has come!
The time has come!

These prayers are © Garry Deverell of 13 Lerina Street, Oakleigh East 3166, Australia. If you use them in any way, I would appreciate your acknowledgment of the source.